Shannon Collins

Registered Nurse, Certified Nutrition coach, Certified Personal Trainer

About Shannon

Hello! My name is Shannon and I am a 45 year-old wife, mother of 2 daughters and a Registered Nurse. I began my journey by being more aware of the food I put in my body and reducing alcohol. Also changed my focus in gym from long cardio classes to more weight lifting. I lost 30lbs over about 2 years! In Fall of 2018 I wanted to see if could take my body to next level and shed that last 10lbs. I started researching and learning about Macro counting and the rest is history. I obtained my ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist Certification, Macro Nutrition Certified through NASM, have my Certified Personal Trainer certificate through NASM also have completed N1 Education Biomechanics & Execution and Program Design for Trainability. My goal is for all women to become their strongest self so ... more

Hello! My name is Shannon and I am a 45 year-old wife, mother of 2 daughters and a Registered Nurse. I began my journey by being more aware of the food I put in my body and reducing alcohol. Also changed my focus in gym from long cardio classes to more weight lifting. I lost 30lbs over about 2 years! In Fall of 2018 I wanted to see if could take my body to next level and shed that last 10lbs. I started researching and learning about Macro counting and the rest is history. I obtained my ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist Certification, Macro Nutrition Certified through NASM, have my Certified Personal Trainer certificate through NASM also have completed N1 Education Biomechanics & Execution and Program Design for Trainability. My goal is for all women to become their strongest self so we can put our best foot forward in perimenopause and beyond.

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